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SCULLY Ground Bolt and Ground Ball
发表时间:2021-09-04 来源: 点击次数:1300次

Vehicle-Mounted Static Grounding Devices

  • Part of the original patented Scully Groundhog static ground verification system
  • “Smart” circuitry verifies proper connection is made before loading can begin; if the ground connection is broken during loading operation, the operation ceases
  • With the Scully Ground Bolt, only one connection is needed for overfill prevention and ground verification when using ST-47 Groundhog and Scully Overfill Prevention Control System
  • Special “smart” Ground Ball is used for independent ground verification where Scully overfill prevention system is not in use


Ground Bolt

For static grounding connected through a Scully Overfill Prevention Control System

  • Ground Bolt is mounted directly to the vehicle frame and wired to the existing truck-mounted Scully Socket(s)
  • Only one connection is needed for overfill prevention and ground verification when Using ST-47 Groundhog and Scully Overfill Prevention Control System
  • Contains “smart” electronic circuitry that offers an intelligent return signal to the Groundhog Control Monitor

Ground Ball

For independent grounding where no Scully overfill prevention system is in use

  • Special quick-release plug and cable assembly plugs onto the ball, grounding the connection
  • Contains “smart” electronic circuitry that offers an intelligent return signal to the Groundhog Control Monitor
  • For situations where no Scully ground ball is present, Scully offers a grounding clamp tied to the Groundhog Control Monitor at the loading terminal

part# Description
08560 Ground Bolt, truck-mounted electronic ground proving bolt for wiring to Overfill Prevention Socket
08274 Ground Ball, truck-mounted electronic ground proving ball for Independent Grounding System
09011 Ground Bolt, road tanker mounted for wiring to Overfill Prevention Socket with M20 Cable Gland


Material: stainless steel; stainless steel nut and lockwasher
Thread Size: 1⁄2–13 UNC
Pigtail Length: 72″ long
Installation Torque: 125 inch pounds maximum


Material: stainless steel; stainless steel nut and lockwasher
Thread Size: 1⁄2–13 UNC
Ring Lug: 1⁄4″ through hole
Pigtail Length: 12″ long

Groundball Groundbolt FM
Groundball Groundbolt BE ATEX
Groundball Groundbolt UK ATEX
Groundball Groundbolt BE ATEX German