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SCULLY SculCon Plug
发表时间:2021-09-04 来源: 点击次数:1287次

  • Designed for use with the intrinsically safe output circuits of Scully’s Intellitrol, ST-35 or ST-15 Terminal Control Monitors
  • Used to connect the Scully loading rack monitor to the vehicle mounted socket


  • Can be used with a variety of loading operations including tank trucks, rail tank cars, aircraft refuelers and tanks for an independent ground proving method without overfill prevention to ensure that transport vehicles are properly tied to ground before and during the loading operation
  • The ST-47 Static Grounding system continuously monitors the ground connection and if that connection is lost, the ST47 will non-permit
  • For static ground verification in conjunction with your Scully Overfill Prevention system, wire the ST-47 through your Overfill Prevention Control Monitor and plug and cable for one quick overfill protection and static grounding/earthing connection; see Plug & Cable Assemblies for Overfill with Grounding Combinations

For use with ST-47 Groundhog when it is wired through the ST-35 or ST-15 Overfill Prevention Control Unit


For Grounding Verification Clamp and Cable Unit or see tech data sheet:
67206_Ground Clamp Cable_Rev D_US.pdf

Part# model# Description
08249 SC-47 Heavy-Duty Junction Box, with 20′ straight cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle-mounted ground proving ball (independent system)
08567 SC-47CC Heavy-Duty Junction Box, with 32′ coiled cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle-mounted ground proving ball (independent system)
08653 SC-47CC/D Heavy-Duty Junction Box, with 32’ coiled cable and ground proving plug with additional circuitry for deadman switch; aviation applications


Plug Cable Sculcon_US_English
Plug Cable Sculcon_ATEX_English
Plug Cable Sculcon_ATEX_German