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Phoenix S57 - Shut Off Cock - Coke Oven Gas Valve
发表时间:2020-03-27 来源: 点击次数:1019次

Phönix S57 - Shut Off Cock - Coke Oven Gas Valve

Product Brand: Phönix

Shut Off Cock and Reversing Cock (3-way-cock) with lubrication system, approved stem sealing system in accordance with TA-Luft

Supplied as Straight pattern body

Applications Description

Especially for coke oven gas in coke oven plants, battery heating system

PN 10 - 40
DN 65 - 300
Class 150 - 300
NPS 2 1/2 - 12
Temperature Rating -20°C up to +200°C
Shell Materials Founding - Spheroidal graphit cast irons for example: EN-GJS-400-15 (GGG-40) A 536 Grade 60-40-18
Connections Flanged ends
Threaded endss
other connections as required
Operation Wrench, lever, special coke oven plant operation system
Approvals Stem sealing system approved in accordance with VDI 2440/ TA-Luft