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Rochester M6300-LP-MOBILE
发表时间:2020-04-08 来源: 点击次数:1407次



The M6300 series Magnetel® Rough Rider® gauges were de­signed to with­stand the vi­bra­tion and shock in­her­ent in mo­bile service. Their ser­vice life in both on-highway and off-road transports, car­ry­ing liquids rang­ing from LP-gas to crude oil, is un­-sur­passed. These gaug­es al­low a con­tin­u­ous read­ing be­tween 5% and 95% of tank contents.

General Information & Features
The Magnetel® Rough Rid­er® gaug­es are to be installed in the side or end of mobile tanks at the cen­ter­line. They are equipped with an ex­clu­sive spring controlled shock ab­sorb­er on the float arm which sub­stan­tial­ly reduces the stress that quick­ly de­stroys con­ven­tion­al gauges. Angle mounting gaug­es are also available.

The M6339 in­cor­po­rates a 4″ [100 mm] fluorescent R3D® Remote Ready Dial. Dial illumination for 4” fluorescent dials is possible when used with the MR Light Module (sold separately). The M6342 in­cor­po­rates a standard 8″ [200 mm] dial. Other dial options are available for both M6339 and M6342. Refer to the Dial Options chart.

Price list M6300 includes information on materials of con­struc­tion, avail­able op­tions, and sales and pricing policy.

The Magnetel® Rough Rider® gauges are designed for work­ing pres­sures rang­ing from at­mo­spher­ic to 450 [31 Bar] psig.

Additional Information

Dial Options

Part # Description
5APKS03045 4” R3D® Fluorescent Dial
5ARXS03045 4″ Fluorescent Dial
5ANTS03047 4” R3D® Silver & Black Dial
5137S03047 4” Silver & Black Dial
5ANGS03044 8” R3D® Silver & Black Dial
5ARYS03066 8″ Fluorescent Dial
5ARWS03066 8” R3D® Fluorescent Dial
5015S00481 8” Silver & Black Dial
0023S00031 MR Light Module for 4” R3D® Fluorescent Dial

When Ordering Specify:

1. Liquid to be gauged and specific gravity.
2. Inside diameter of tank heads: ellipsoidal, semi-ellipsoidal or hemispherical.
3. Complete model number desired from price list 6300 (example M6342-11).
4. Prefix letters for available options fromprice list 6300.
5. If a dial other than standard are required, furnish drawing and/or details.
6. Furnish tank drawings whenever ordering gauges for angle-mounting or for installation in vertical tanks.
7 If tank mounting flange is required, order separately from chart above.

*Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Pressure ratings subject to change due to temperature and other environmental considerations.

U.S. Patents

Revised 02-27-2018

华滋智能是Rochester Gauges公司在亚太区的行业战略合作伙伴